Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Books and Bucks

I haven't posted in a long time! I realized I never posted pictures of the books that were donated! We had over 100 books donated for Gideon's Warriors and many of them were given in memory of precious babies who have passed away. These books will be included in the items we are donating to the local hospitals. We are still getting together all the other items and will be donating them for Gideon's 2nd birthday in May!

These books are going to bless so many families. It will give them a place to go, to read about hope. To read the stories of other women who have had a baby die as well. And they will be able to see that there is hope after loss. And these books will help them to grieve. God will use these books to mend the hearts of these sweet parents. It will help these families in ways that we will never know. I know that after Gideon died, I plunged into reading books. I would read a few pages, weep, cry, scream and then read some more. Some of the deepest anguish I experienced was while reading, but also, some of the most hope that I had was while I read these books and the Bible. It was an incredible time of heartache and hope. God used these books in my life as a balm to my aching heart and to bring me closer to Him. I have no words to express my gratitude to everyone who donated. These books will help so many families. Each person who donated a book has participated in something great. Truly.

We also were given an amazing donation by the North West Houston Mom's of Multiples group. They held a fundraiser in memory of sweet Carter Bickford and raised money for Gideon's Warriors as well as NWHMOM Hartman-Bickford Memorial Fund. I cannot thank them enough!!! This will bless so many families in the area. We will be able to help more people because of this donation. Its so amazing! I have no words for how blessed we are and how incredible this will be. It will reach so many people for years to come. It is amazing. This will touch more lives than we even realize. Thank you, Angela Bickford. I remember Carter always.